Mr. Dinesh Meel
Dear Students,
I welcome all of you to Vibrant Academy and earnestly wish success to each one of
you. And though I would sincerely hope that all of you make it to the respective
institutes that you’ve set your minds upon, what I mean by ‘success’ is something
altogether different.
For me, success simply means being able to perform to your potential. For example,
an average student who by dint of his hard work makes it to the waiting list of
SSC, is for me successful than a superlatively brilliant student who because of
his complacence and casualness got a rank of 500. Over the years, it has been my
experience that the memories which troubles us most are not those of our misfortune,
but those that have the words '..if only I had done that..' embedded in them.
So my only advice to all of you is this; be it engineering entrance or any other
endeavor in life, make sure that these words never find a port of entry into the
picture. Spare no effort, work hard and live up to your potential. Whatever follows
will always be for the best. That, according to me, is the simple calculus of Karma.